Who Is Wallace Jeffs? Where Is He Today?

Wallace Jeffs stated in his book Destroying Their God that he was a loner and a little too curious. He was the 30th child born to Rulon Jeffs. His mother was a convert and was originally part of the [mainstream] LDS Church [The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints], but she left the LDS Church to join the FLDS. She was his father’s sixth wife.

His mother only had two children and was a breadwinner in the family because she worked as a nurse. So, Wallace was raised by Warren’s mother Marilyn.

Wallace refers to Warren’s mother, Marilyn, called “Mother Marilyn,” in Keep Sweet: Pray and Obey. Marilyn believed Warren was “extremely unique” since prior prophets informed her so when he survived being born eight weeks prematurely, according to Wallace. “She really pushed her sons to be close to our dad, to make them the next leaders of the church after my dad,” Wallace recalled.

Meet Wallace Jeffs, Warren Jeffs Brother

Growing up, Wallace questioned his religion on and off throughout his childhood because he isn’t happy with his home life. As a member of the church, he had access to computers, television, and newspapers, but they were told not to believe anything they heard, read, or saw because everything reported by the media was a complete lie.

In sixth grade, Wallace along with all his siblings was taken out by his father from public school and sends them to a school of his own creation in the basement of the big house. By the time his half-brother Warren gets full control of the church, everyone was completely paranoid and there was almost no contact with the outside world.

Following the footsteps of his brother Warren, Wallace tried to follow FLDS teachings. In 1991, Wallace Jeffs was coerced to become an FLDS polygamist. As his prophet-brother increasingly manipulated him, Wallace started hearing about FLDS atrocities.

He was eventually excommunicated after daring to defy one of his brother’s self-serving commandments.

After the FLDS prophet kidnapped his children in retribution, Wallace worked with the FBI, various Sheriff departments, and local authorities, to insure that his deranged brother would never be allowed to hurt a young girl again.

He even believes that his 2011 accident which sent him into a coma was set up by the FLDS church. According to the Utah Highway Patrol, Jeffs’ vehicle caught on fire during the crash and he had to be rescued by emergency responders.

Where Is Wallace Jeffs Today?

Wallace Jeffs, during his interviews, has updated about himself and his family members. In May 2018 interview with Religion News, Wallace shared that both his ex-wives were out of the church but they still believed that Warren was a prophet and he was going to save them all.

He added that half of his family members don’t talk to him. He added, “They still believe somehow that I’m evil and wicked in doing what I did, but I know in time it will come around”.

Wallace divorced both of his plural wives. He has also joined the LDS church after the divorce.

Does Wallace Jeffs Have A Wife Or Wives?

In 2022, Wallace Jeffs has a new wife. He married a lady from the LDS church.

Furthermore, Wallace has adopted her eight children and has now become a father of 28 children. He added in an interview, “I was able to court her, which was really fun. Courting became a very interesting thing for me because it’s forbidden in the FLDS — the prophet tells you who you’re going to marry”.

Wallace missed being close to his children. He explained, “My life now is wonderful. Even though I miss my kids and wish they were closer to me, I’m just trying to set an example for them that the way we were living was wrong. We can have happy lives and not be controlled anymore”.

Wallace Jeffs Daughters

Wallace Jeffs started pushing back in 2011 when he heard that his brother married an 11-year-old girl. He shared, “The way I found out was that I was walking through a truck stop and saw a newspaper picture of Warren hugging and kissing this little girl. Prior to that, I had no knowledge of him marrying young girls”.

He pondered the safety of his daughters in the church because of his brother’s actions. During the process of writing the memoir, Wallace and his team were having difficulty and unsettling to work. He explained: “As a writing team, however, we agreed that we would not shrink away from the often difficult subject matter in order to honor Warren Jeffs’s victims and also to make it clear why I had to get my daughters out of the FLDS community”.

Wallace Jeffs Age

As of 2022, Wallace Jeffs is 61 years old.

Is Wallace Jeffs On Instagram?

No, Wallace Jeffs is not on Instagram but he has a Facebook account (@wallace.jeffs).

Wallace Jeffs Job

According to Facebook, Wallace Jeffs is the CEO of Advantage Excavating LLC. He had also worked as a Fleet Sales Executive at Riverton Chevrolet and previously served as a Fleet Sales Manager at Riverton Chevrolet.

While in the FLDS, Wallace Jeffs had established a successful business. So, the church started depending on him financially. He told The Salt Lake Tribune, “That’s how it was in the church. The men who got plural wives were basically the ones that had a lot of money. I did not become successful in business for that purpose, to have more wives. I just really enjoyed my business”.

He added, “The leaders use plural marriage as a way to control you. They came to me and said they had a girl for me to marry, and if I refused, I would lose everything. If you have a current wife and children and refuse a plural wife, you lose your first wife and children to the community”.

Related FAQs

  • How Tall Is Wallace Jeffs?

Wallace Jeffs stands tall above the height of 6 feet.

  • Does Wallace Jeffs Appear On Netflix’s Keep Sweet: Pray and Obey?

Yes, Wallace Jeffs appears on Netflix’s Keep Sweet: Pray and Obey.
