Notti Osama cause of death, death age, last words, funeral pictures

Notti Osama was a rapper born on January 17, 2008, as Ethan Reyes. He was a Yonker-based rapper. Notti was the youngest among his five elder siblings, one of whom is DD Osama.

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What did Notti Osama do and what was his cause of death?

The 14-years-old young rapper Notti Osama was stabbed to death on July 9, 2022. This happened after a triggered dispute in the Manhattan subway station. He was stabbed after he got into a fight with a 15-year-old rival at 3 pm on July 9 at the 137th City College subway station.

Osama subsequently passed away at Mount Sinai Morningside Hospital. According to law enforcement sources, the reason behind the scuffle wasn’t revealed, but it is evident that the two teens had some issues with each other.

Notti Osama death age

The young talented rapper died at at a very young age. He was only 14 years old at the time of his death.

What were Notti Osama last word?

He was taken to Mount Sinai Morningside Hospital by emergency personnel. Notti’s wounds were fatal as he was stabbed multiple times.

Notti Osama funeral: Where was he buried?

Though the exact location of his burial was not disclosed to the public, his brother DD Osama visited his grave site and paid tributes to him.

