Andrew Berry is a British evolutionary biologist and historian of science with a particular interest in Alfred Russel Wallace.
Andrew Berry Wife
He is married to Harvard Professor Naomi Pierce, and they have twin daughters named Megan and Katie.
Andrew Berry Biography
Andrew Berry was born in 1963 in London. His father is biologist R. J. Berry. He was educated at Shrewsbury School and then studied Zoology at St John’s College, Oxford. He did his PhD under Martin Kreitman in evolutionary genetics at Princeton University.
At Harvard, he did post-doctoral work in Richard Lewontin’s lab.
He was a Junior Fellow at the Harvard Society of Fellows and is currently a lecturer in Organismic and Evolutionary Biology at Harvard University.
His research combined field and laboratory methods to detect positive Darwinian selection (i.e. adaptive evolution) at the molecular level in natural populations.
In addition to technical articles, he has published in the London Review of Books, Slate, and elsewhere. He has published two books: Infinite Tropics: an Alfred Russel Wallace anthology, 2003, with a foreword written by Stephen Jay Gould, and DNA: The Secret of Life with James Watson, 2003.
In addition to lecturing at Harvard, he also leads a Harvard Summer Study Abroad program at Queen’s College, Oxford on the history of evolutionary biology and on current ideas in the field. He teaches evolutionary biology regularly at Sabancı University in Istanbul, Turkey, and is accordingly targeted by Turkish creationist organizations.
His net worth is estimated at 5 million dollars.