Deftones’ sixth studio album, “Saturday Night Wrist,” released in 2006, features a song called “Hexagram.” Hexagram has a deeper meaning and was inspired by the duality of life. The song shifts seamlessly from being heavy and chaotic to extremely soft and melodic, reflecting the ebb and flow of life. The song’s lyrics are enigmatic and offer a lot of room for interpretation. In this article, we’ll explore the meaning behind Deftones’ Hexagram.
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A song about the duality of life
Hexagram is, in its essence, a song about the duality of life. The lyrics reflect how life is not as black and white as we might think. We cannot have happiness without sorrow, light without darkness, or order without chaos. This is reflected in the song by the contrasting music, which shifts between loud, heavy guitar riffs and soft, dreamy sections.
The song begins with vocalist Chino Moreno screaming the words:
“Pins and needles
What a creation
Come rigged with insults
Go get your mandolin”
These lyrics are open to interpretation, but they could be referencing the pain and discomfort we face in life. The “pins and needles” reference could be a metaphor for the discomfort of living in this world. Chino’s shouting suggests a sense of urgency and the need for change.
The chorus: “Painted, full of mystery”
The chorus of the song is where the lyrics become more abstract. The chorus goes:
“Painted, full of mystery
Shaded, but I see
Can’t camouflage the way I feel
I won’t let you know
I won’t let you know
I won’t let you know”
These lyrics are a reflection of how we try to present a polished exterior to the world, hiding our true emotions and feelings. The lines, “Can’t camouflage the way I feel” suggest that even though we try to hide our emotions from the world, they can’t be completely hidden. The last line, “I won’t let you know,” shows how people tend to keep their inner most thoughts and feelings to themselves, despite craving someone to understand them.
In the song, the chorus is followed by the heavy guitar riff, which could represent the frustration and anger that comes with hiding our emotions and feelings.
Verse two: “I will be choosing danger”
The second verse of the song goes:
“I will be choosing danger
And all that I will do is follow
Orders below the waist
But you know
You’re just a snake”
The lyrics continue to suggest that life is full of duality. The phrase, “I will be choosing danger,” could be a reference to how we make choices in life that can be uncertain and risky. “Orders below the waist” could be interpreted as following instinctual desires, whereas the lyric “you’re just a snake” could represent betrayal and deceit.
Frequently Asked Questions:
What is the meaning behind the song “Hexagram” by Deftones?
“Hexagram” is about the duality of life. The contrasting music reflects the ebb and flow of life and the lyrics are enigmatic yet open to interpretation. The song is about how people hide their true emotions and feelings from the world and try to present a polished exterior.
What inspired Deftones to write “Hexagram”?
Deftones were inspired by the duality of life to write “Hexagram.” They wanted to reflect the contrasting themes of light and dark, happiness and sorrow, and order and chaos in the song.
What is the chorus of “Hexagram” about?
The chorus of “Hexagram” is about how people try to present a polished exterior to the world, despite their true emotions and feelings. The phrase “painted, full of mystery” suggests how we try to hide our true selves from the world.
What is the second verse of “Hexagram” about?
The second verse of “Hexagram” is about how we make choices in life that can be uncertain and risky. The phrase “orders below the waist” could represent following instinctual desires, while “you’re just a snake” could represent betrayal and deceit.
What does the guitar riff in “Hexagram” represent?
The heavy guitar riff in “Hexagram” could represent the frustration and anger that comes with hiding our true emotions and feelings.
What is the meaning behind the line “pins and needles” in “Hexagram”?
The meaning behind the line “pins and needles” in “Hexagram” is open to interpretation. It could be a metaphor for the discomfort of living in this world. Chino’s shouting suggests a sense of urgency and the need for change.
What is the meaning behind the line “I won’t let you know” in the chorus of “Hexagram”?
The meaning behind the line “I won’t let you know” in the chorus of “Hexagram” is that people tend to keep their innermost thoughts and feelings to themselves, despite craving someone to understand them.
What inspired Deftones to write about the duality of life in “Hexagram”?
Deftones wanted to reflect the idea that life is not black and white, and that we cannot have happiness without sorrow, light without darkness, or order without chaos.
What is the mood of “Hexagram”?
The mood of “Hexagram” shifts between chaos and calm, reflecting the ebb and flow of life. The heavy and melodic sections create a sense of frustration and anger, yet also reflect the beauty of life.
What is the message of “Hexagram”?
The message of “Hexagram” is to embrace the duality of life and learn to find beauty in the contrast. The song is about how we hide our emotions and feelings from the world, and how we need to learn to be more open and honest.
Who wrote the lyrics of “Hexagram”?
The lyrics of “Hexagram” were written by Chino Moreno, the lead vocalist of Deftones.
Who produced “Hexagram”?
“Hexagram” was produced by Terry Date, who also produced Deftones’ previous albums.
What genre is “Hexagram”?
“Hexagram” is classified as alternative metal.