Tabay Atkins is officially the youngest certified yoga instructor in the United States. Tabay was introduced to yoga in 2012 when his mom, Sahel Anvarinejad, was battling cancer. Tabay’s mom realized yoga helped her in that battle and got her own instructor certification while recovering.
Anvarinejad, now cancer-free, has her own Yoga studio, Care4Yoga, where her 11-year-old son instructs yoga three times a week.

When Atkins finished fifth grade, his mother gave him a choice-Europe for the summer or a 200-hour yoga instructor certification choice. Atkins chose Yoga.
And of course, practicing the art has definitely become a family affair as Atkins’ father, former NFL linebacker, Larry Atkins, has also joined his son on the mat.

Atkins teaches donation-based classes at Care4Yoga three times a week, donating all proceeds to the Children’s Hospital of Orange County and to additional charities and families that help in the battle against cancer.
For more information on Care4Yoga, click here.