The Meaning Behind The Song: Finish Line by Delaney Bailey

TitleFinish Line
ArtistDelaney Bailey
Writer/ComposerDelaney Bailey
AlbumThis Is About You – EP
Release DateOctober 15, 2021
GenrePop, Acoustic, Indie, Indie Pop, Teen Pop
ProducerDelaney Bailey

This song uses an extended metaphor of a running race to show the difference between how the narrator and their ex-lover move on from their relationship. The lyrics describe the breakup as a race, with the ex-lover winning by a landslide while the narrator lags behind, struggling to catch up. In the first verse, the narrator acknowledges their position and accepts that their ex-lover has moved on much faster. They compare themselves to a runner panting in the grass, while their mom cheers them on in the crowd. This showcases the emotional struggle of the narrator, who finds comfort and support in their loved ones.

The second verse continues the metaphor, emphasizing the ex-lover’s quick progression in comparison to the narrator’s slower pace. The narrator describes themselves as walking laps to watch the birds fly by, while their ex-lover laps them effortlessly. The “legs on fire” line suggests that the ex-lover is consumed by their own fast-paced journey, while the narrator takes a moment to observe the beauty of life around them, represented by the growing flowers. The song ends with a melodic outro, leaving the listener with a reflective mood.

The metaphor of the race in “Finish Line” allows listeners to relate to the emotional disparity that often occurs after a breakup. It captures the feelings of inadequacy, jealousy, and the lingering attachment one may experience when trying to move on from a failed relationship. The lyrics express a certain resignation on the part of the narrator, acknowledging the imbalance between their progress and that of their ex-lover. This song serves as a reminder that healing and moving on from heartbreak is a personal journey and can happen at different paces for different individuals.

Personally, “Finish Line” resonates with me because it touches on the struggles I have faced during a breakup. It reminds me of the moments when I felt left behind while my ex-partner seemed to effortlessly move on. The song captures the mix of emotions that I experienced, from feeling hurt and defeated to finding solace in the support of my loved ones. I appreciate how the lyrics paint a vivid picture of the contrasting paths both individuals take after the end of a relationship.

Overall, “Finish Line” by Delaney Bailey is a heartfelt song that explores the complexities of post-breakup emotions. Through the extended metaphor of a running race, the lyrics highlight the different paces at which individuals navigate the healing process. It reminds us that it’s okay to have our own journey and that time, support, and self-reflection are essential in moving forward.
