Alphabet Animals Hi kids. What’s your favourite animal? A! A, a, a. Alligato…
Alphabet Christmas Hello there. Let’s learn the alphabet this Christmas. Ho ho…
Alphabet Farm Hi kids. What things can you name around the farm? A!…
Alphabet Halloween Hi kids. Let’s learn the alphabet this Halloween A! A, a,…
Alphabet Occupations Hi kids. What do you want to be when you…
Alphabet Pirates Hi kids. I’m Captain Jackson. Are you ready for a…
Alphabet School Hi kids. Let’s learn about school A! A, a, a. Alphabet.…
Alphabet Space Hello, I’m Astronaut Rachel. Ready for lift off? Let’s go…
Alphabet Superheroes Hi kids. Let’s learn the superhero alphabet! A! A, a, a.…
Alphabet Transport Hi kids. Let’s take a ride through the alphabet A! A,…
Astronauts We are go for liftoff in T minus thirty Roger that…
Baa Baa Black Sheep Baa, baa Baa baa black sheep, have you any wool? Yes sir,…
Baby Shark Do do do do do do do do! Baby shark doo…
Baby Shark Finger Family Baby shark! Baby Shark doo doo, doo doo, doo doo Baby Shark…
Backyard Farm Growing food is so much fun With a little bit of…
Ball Pit Party It's a ball pit party It's a ball pit party! Everybody dive…
Bingo There was a farmer, had a dog and Bingo was…
Bounce Like a Bunny Bounce and bounce and bounce like a bunny Hop and flop…
Colours Colours! Colours! What colours do you see? Colours! Colours!…
Colours of the Rainbow Say hello to yellow, it's the colour of the sun It…
Cooking in the Kitchen Put your apron on, wash your hands Let's get out some…
Counting Song One two three four five six seven eight nine ten,…
Counting to Ten I count animals so can you Counting animals at the zoo Come…
Dance Party Dance (Dance!) Dance (Dance!) Let’s d-d-d-dance It’s a dance…
Do the Funky Robot If you want to learn to dance like a robot Just…
Easter Bunny Bop Do the Easter Bunny bop, bop! Step left right left then…
Everybody Loves Halloween Knocking on doors, trick or treat From house to house, stree…
Five Little Ducks Five little ducks went out one day Over the hill and…
Five Little Monkeys Five little monkey jump on the bed One fell off and…
Five Little Speckled Frogs Five little speckled frogs Sat on a speckled log Eating some…
Halloween Baby Shark Baby shark! Baby Shark doo doo, doo doo, doo doo Baby Shark…
Halloween Finger Family One, Two, Three, Four, Five Fingers Pumpkin finger, pumpkin…
Halloween Rules Whatcha wanna be for Halloween? A ghosty or a goblin or…
Halloween Stomp Stomp, stomp, stomp! Let's do the Halloween stomp, stomp, s…
Happy Halloween Band Today is Halloween The coolest thing about it is that you…
Head Shoulders Knees and Toes Head and shoulders knees and toes Knees and toes Head and sh…
Hickory Dickory Dock Tick tock, tick tock Tick tock, tick tock Hickory dickory do…
Hot Cross Buns Step right up, get your hot cross buns Fresh out of…
Ice Cream Song Ice cream, ice cream, we love ice cream! Yummy yummy fun…
If Animals Danced If animals danced how would they move? Show me how…
Itsy Bitsy Spider Itsy Bitsy Spider climbed up the water spout Down came the…
Kid's Life Oh we could be pirates, sailing the ocean We could be…
Let's Be Superheroes Let′s be super heroes so we can save the day Wherever…
Let's Drive Come on everybody Let's drive (Beep beep) in our…
Let's Get Spooky Here comes a skeleton, all black white and boney Here comes…
Lets Be Superheroes Let’s be superheroes so we can save the day Wherever there…
Lullaby Sleepy Head Sleepy head, sleepy head Now it′s time to go to bed Brush…
Magic Potion Magic, magic potion, boiling in the pot Stir it with my…
Make a Silly Face What can you do when you’re feeling blue? What can you…
Mary Had a Little Lamb Where you gonna go, where you gonna go Mary? Where you…
Mummy's Got a Baby in Her Belly Mummy's got a baby in her belly Growing every day, growing…
Old MacDonald Had a Farm Hey MacDonald here we go e-i-e-i-o Hey MacDonald here we go…
On Halloween We are witches on Halloween We cackle, giggle and scream Rid…
Rain Rain Go Away Rain rain go away, come again another day Jacinta wants…
Roar Like a Dinosaur Let's make noise, let's all move, like the dinosaurs used…
See You at the Market Oh hey! Come and meet the farmers We plant the fruits and…
Sing It Like It Did you know monsters love to sing on Halloween? They…
Skeleton Dance It’s Halloween again, so all the skeletons Do the skeleton d…
Spooky Monsters in a Haunted House Knock knock knock, who is there? A bony skeleton in…
Ten in the Bed Ten! There were 10 in the bed and the little one…
Ten Little Animals I count animals so can you Counting animals at the zoo Come…
The Farmer in the Dell The farmer in the dell The farmer in the dell Hi-ho the…
The Finger Family Daddy finger, daddy finger, where are you? Here I am, here…
The Ghost Goes Boo Hey, what does the ghost say? Oh, oh oh Hey! Boo boo…
This Is the Way on Halloween This is the way we get dressed up Get dressed up,…
This Little Piggy Went to Market This little piggy went to market This little piggy stayed ho…
Vegetables Song Yummy, so yummy, I love it, I love it Yummy, so…
We're Firefighters Sound the sirens, nee naaw nee naaw! Sound the sirens, nee…
Welcome to the Farm Hi kids! Welcome to the farm Pigs go oink oink Roosters say…
What Colour Am I Wearing What colour am I wearing, can you see it? What colour…
What Sound Does a Lion Make What sound does a lion make? (Roar, Roar) How does…
Wheels on the Bus The wheels on the bus go round and round Round and…
where's the werewolf pack Where’s the werewolf pack? Where are they hiding, where are …
Witches on Halloween We are witches on Halloween We cackle, giggle and scream Rid…