Tony Lechmanski Obituary, CAUSE OF DEATH, Bella Morte Band Guitarist

Obituary for Tony Lechmanski, CAUSE OF DEATH Tony Lechmanski, the guitarist for the Bella Morte Band, passed away.

He was a native of Charlottesville, Virginia, and a current resident. Find out more about the funeral arrangements for Tony Lechmanski…

Guitarist for The 40 Boys, the Secret Storm, Bella Morte, and the deceased Tony Lechmanski passed died over the weekend. According to The Last Dance, Tony was a personal friend, a wonderful musician, and a brother. Tony was a joy to be around, whether he was on a tour, performing together, or just hanging out.

Although they will always remember and love Tony’s performance of Dead Man’s Party with TLD on stage, they will remember him more for the light he was to each of them.

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The most well-known works by Tony Lechmanski include Bella Morte: Another Way (2004), Darken (2006), and Plan 9 (2015).

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