Maturity and Coat Color Change They typically occur when Shih Tzus are about to become adults — around 12 months in age. It’s common for their coats to become paler, and at the same time, it’s also common for them to darken. Note, too, that this color change doesn’t take place in any and all Shih Tzus.Click to see full answer. Similarly one may ask, does Shih Tzu change color?Shih Tzu coat color often changes at about 12 months of age. The coat may become either more pale or darker. Black and white Shih Tzus will not change color.Beside above, what is the best color for Shih Tzu? A. Solid Shih Tzu coat colors! White – Completely milk white with shiny hair coat. This breed coat without any other color is very rare. Black – Pitch dark black body with the completely black nose. Gold – A tan, yellow color coat usually found on Labradors or golden retriever. Red – An absolute red head! Consequently, what is the rarest color shih tzu? A solid black Shih Tzu is very rare; there is usually a white marking somewhere (and often on the chest); however, full black coloring does exist.Why is my puppy’s fur changing color? Puppy coats A single-coated breed will lose its puppy coat, and adult hair grows in, but double-coated breeds will develop their second coat as they mature. It’s not uncommon for the puppy’s adult coat color to end up a different hue than the puppy coat.