Even if you did actually cheat, the College Board and ACT won’t tell colleges you’re a cheater or ban you from retesting. If you’re caught at the testing center, your test will be confiscated, and your score will be canceled if you finished your test. You’ll be forced to take a paid retest.Click to see full answer. In respect to this, can you go to jail for cheating on the SAT?While cheating on the SATs is rare, according to TIME, the methods in which people do cheat on the test can face legal action, as it may violate “applicable laws,” like impersonation or fraud, according to the College Board. Instead, the ETS will cancel the SAT scores before they are sent to schools.Similarly, is cheating on the act a crime? At law, cheating is a specific criminal offence relating to property. Historically, to cheat was to commit a misdemeanour at common law. However, in most jurisdictions, the offence has now been codified into statute. Hereof, how common is cheating on the SAT? SAT cheating cases are actually relatively rare—only about 2,000 tests are investigated out of the 3 million administered each year. Most of these investigations are concerned with individual cases of suspected test day cheating, such as a student copying from another’s exam.How do I report cheating on the SAT?To confidentially report any suspected violation of these policies, or any suspicion concerning the security of an SAT test administration, please immediately contact the Office of Testing Integrity by phone at 609-406-5430 or 800-257-5123 (test day only), or by email at [email protected]