Anthony Avalos Injuries And Autopsy Report Released: Who Are His Parents Heather Barron And Victor A

People are eager to know the answer to “Anthony Avalos Injuries And Autopsy Report Released” According to Anthony Avalos’ autopsy report, he was tortured almost a week before he died.

The news of Anthony Avalos’ death in 2018 is still a topic of discussion; it has been confirmed that his mother and her boyfriend tortured and beat him to death.

Anthony Avalos Injuries And Autopsy Report Released: Who Are His Parents Heather Barron And Victor Avalos? Details

He mentioned he liked boys and girls a week before he died, so his mother was upset.

In the year of his death, the boy was ten years old and in 4th grade, and his news went viral, so it is still trending on the Internet today.

You will learn everything you need to know about Anthony Avalos’ case in this article.

Anthony Avalos Injuries And Autopsy Report Released

Avalos’s autopsy showed he died from physical abuse and malnutrition. The boy was tortured for more than a week and hospitalized before he died.

According to doctors, he died from internal bleeding, and his body showed clear signs of abuse.

The autopsy revealed bruises and burns on his body, indicating he was a burden to his mother and her boyfriend.

His parents locked him in the bathroom for long hours after he was bitten; he was not mentally or physically ill.

Several examinations were performed, and it was confirmed that he appeared unacceptably unfit a week before he died.

He didn’t share anything with his friends or teachers before he passed away; he seemed a little off before he died.

He was a very active student; he got along with every friend of his and was very sweet, as his schoolmate mentioned.

Who Are His Parents Heather Barron And Victor Avalos

After his birth, Anthony Avalos’ mother, Heather, and father, Victor, were separated, and he lived with his mom and her boyfriend, Kareem Leiva.

Victor was not in touch with his baby boy for a long time because he was unaware of his condition and how his mother abused him.

Barron and Leiva have both been charged with first-degree murder after a lengthy investigation.

Barron, and her boyfriend, poured hot sauce on the six-year-old boy’s face and mouth, and whipped him with a looped cord and belt.

Anthony Avalos Injuries And Autopsy Report Released: Who Are His Parents Heather Barron And Victor Avalos? Details

He was held upside-down and repeatedly dropped on his head, which hurt his head and caused him internal bleeding.

During a meeting with Los Angeles County sheriff’s detectives, they suspected some wrong impressions and arrested him.

According to Leiva, he pushed the boy once and he fell and hurt his head, possibly causing internal bleeding.

It took almost six years for them to be arrested and charged with first-degree murder after his death.

Anthony’s birth dad has not been publicly disclosed.

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