Wayne Gretzky, referred to as "The Great One," has frequently been the subject of rumors regarding his stellar career and accomplishments. His involvement in purchasing and selling million-dollar residences is one factor that has piqued public curiosity on social media.
According to rumors, Gretzky's net worth reached $250 million in 2023, further establishing his position as a shrewd businessman. Wayne Gretzky has owned an array of homes throughout his life, and they have attracted a great deal of interest. He and his wife, Janet Jones, have taken pleasure in purchasing and selling property.
They currently have six homes attached to their name. Gretzky's childhood house in Brantford, Ontario, Canada is one of those estates. Being close to his mother-in-law, who is nearly 100 years old, was a priority for Gretzky. That is why he bought a house in the Frontenac neighborhood of St. Louis, Missouri in 2012. It shows how much he values family.
In addition to owning a new home, purchasing this property gave Gretzky a chance to reunite with his close buddy and avid golfer, Brett Hull. Gretzky has expressed how much he enjoys living in the neighborhood. It gives him the ability to keep in touch with the St. Louis Blues organization and strengthens his ties to the community.
Wayne Gretzky’s professional career achievements
Wayne Gretzky made an immediate impact during his first season in the NHL. He won the Hart Memorial Trophy as the league's Most Valuable Player during the 1979-80 campaign. He was tied with Marcel Dionne for most points in the league at 137. But Dionne won the Art Ross Trophy because he scored more goals.
However, Gretzky holds the record for the most points accumulated by a rookie in NHL history. The former hockey star made history by becoming the youngest player to score 50 goals in a single season. But because of his involvement in the WHA, he was not eligible for the Calder Memorial Trophy. Boston Bruins defenseman Ray Bourque won the award instead.
Wayne Gretzky continued to dominate in his sophomore season. He broke both Bobby Orr's assist record and Phil Esposito's points record during the season. 'The Great One' also won the first Art Ross Trophy of his career by recording 164 points.
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