In most parts of the country, including Illinois, used mattresses can be resold as long as they meet certain labeling and processing requirements. Also, in the City of Chicago, the law requires that deteriorated, secondhand, reconditioned, or altered products cannot be advertised or sold as new.Click to see full answer. Simply so, is it legal to sell a used mattress?Having said that, it is not illegal to sell a used mattress in any United States jurisdiction that I know of. However, most states have restrictions on what you can and can’t do when selling used mattresses, primarily involving fraud or health concerns. You may need to have the mattress officially sanitized.Beside above, is it legal to sell used mattresses in Florida? In Florida, it’s legal to sell refurbished mattresses, which have new covers and are supposed to be sanitized. is it legal to sell used mattresses in Massachusetts? Little known fact: It’s actually illegal to sell used mattresses in MA, which is why there are no retail establishments or charities that will accept used mattresses. That being said, the “black mattress market” is thriving and healthy on Craig’s List.Is it illegal to sell a used mattress in Kansas?In Kansas it is illegal to sell a used mattress. At estate sales auctioneers have developed a work around. They will list the bed frame for sale and anything sitting on the bed frame.