Why did Ashley leave The Challenge and what rule was broken? Thu 11 November 2021 09:22 Upda

Ashley Mitchell suddenly had to leave MTV’s The Challenge: Spies, Lies and Allies, leaving fans gobsmacked about her being disqualified.

She took to Twitter shortly after her exit was aired on November 10th, thanking her fans for sticking with her throughout the departure.

It comes as she almost reached the final of the gruelling series, which sees reality TV stars quite literally go head-to-head in scary challenges. From diving into deep water to battling it out in the arena, it’s heavy stuff.

We can reveal the reason why Ashley was made to leave the competition, and exactly what rules she is rumored to have broken in there.

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Why Ashley left The Challenge

Ashley was disqualified from The Challenge: Spies, Lies & Allies because she broke a rule on the MTV competition.

Host TJ Lavin announced that she was deactivated due to a rule break, but didn’t expand on exactly how she went against them.

The star had just won the challenge with the rest of her cell, Sapphire, before the crowd saw her at the club after winning with Amanda Garcia.

Amanda told Ashley she wanted to face the other female competitors at the club and Ashley told her she should, but that was the last time we saw the two-time champion. She was then absent from nominations.

What did Ashley do?! What’s the tea?? #TheChallenge37 #TheChallenge pic.twitter.com/J8cX4gBqN8

— Mimi (@RealityTvMimi) November 11, 2021
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What rule did Ashley break?

Although unconfirmed by Ashley or MTV, one source revealed she said everyone knows co-star Josh Martinez is gay.

There is no confirmation about his sexual orientation, but several fans and co-stars have made speculation, including Ashley.

Ashley and Josh had reportedly gotten into an argument, which involved her telling him that everyone knows he is gay, and then carried on as usual.

However, Devin and Logan are thought to have complained about it to the production team, which meant they knew she had broken the rules.

She wrote on Twitter following her exit:

I just want to thank everyone whose stuck with me through out this all. Everyone knows I’m only mad at myself and it has been so hard to shake off the depression and anxiety since getting home. I have been taking anger management and reflecting a lot. I love yall so much.

say it with me: what did ashley do? #thechallenge #TheChallenge37 pic.twitter.com/LHKwrLhoKK

— Challenge Me Daddy Pod (@challengemedad) November 11, 2021
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Ashley responds to viewer anger

Ashley responded to angry fans, who did not want her to be disqualified, by saying that “rules are rules”, before adding that she respects the decision.

She said:

Rules are rules and I respect @mtv and TJs call. The best apology is changed behavior. See you next time @challenge.

Despite accepting the rules, several viewers were not having it. One said that “Josh has done much worse on The Challenge”. They added:

If the reason Ashley was removed, as rumored, was for calling Josh gay. I am confused. I have watched Josh since Big Brother. Until now, I honestly thought Josh was in fact gay. If true, it might be worthy of a warning, but not removal. Josh has done much worse on The Challenge.

However, some viewers had Josh’s back, and thought there could be more to it than Ashley calling him gay.

A fan responded to the reaction by saying “you don’t know what outing someone can do personally”.

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