The upcoming re-airing of Love, Honor, and Betray season 1, episode 5, on ID, is all set to bring forth the story of Sunny Gunn-Halley and her attempt to murder her former husband, Butch Halley.
The thrilling case dates back to the fall of 2009, when Sunny tried to get her husband murdered for his life insurance policy. However, this plan never worked out, and Sunny Gunn-Halley was arrested before any damage was done.
Sunny was arrested soon after this incident, and she was charged with solicitation to commit a felony crime of violence. She pleaded guilty and was sentenced to three to 15 years in prison. She served prison time and was released later.
She is now a free woman, and sources say she has remarried. She presently resides in Kentucky. After his wife nearly murdered him, Butch Halley sought divorce and a restraining order.
This case will be covered in detail on the upcoming episode of ID's Love, Honor, Betray, which will air on December 2, 2023, at 7.00 PM EST.
Who is Butch Halley and what did Sunny Gunn-Halley do to him?
Butch Halley, a native of Parkersburg, West Virginia, led a happy life while working at the DuPont factory. He was married for a long time but got divorced after 28 years. Butch's daughter, Amanda, introduced him to Sunny, a waitress at the time, in 2006.
A romance blossomed between the two quite soon, and within two years, they were married. Though not much was known about Sunny's background, she allegedly had a substantial criminal history. She was previously arrested for bad checks, domestic violence, and smuggling 500 grams or more of cocaine at the Miami airport.
Butch knew about Sunny Gunn-Halley's troubled past but chose to overlook it as she promised that she had changed. But this was far from the truth that would unfold over the next few months.
According to sources, Sunny quickly went back to her drug-hustling ways after her marriage, selling Percocet and other prescription drugs right out of their home.
Butch said regarding this later:
"She would pick my pills up at the drug store while I was at work, and by the time I’d come home, I’d have half of them. It bothered me, but I loved her."These issues soon crept up in their marriage life as Butch and Sunny started growing increasingly distant. They were allegedly sleeping in separate bedrooms within one year of their marriage.
Soon, Sunny Gunn-Halley's focus shifted to Butch Halley's hefty life insurance policy, which noted her as the sole beneficiary.
Soon, Sunny began plotting her husband's murder, and not very subtly so. A neighbor allegedly overheard her talking about buying insulin to kill her husband without much suspicion.
Ultimately, Sunny reached out to a family friend, Franklin Robinson, to use him as a hitman to murder Butch and offered him $10,000 for the work.
Instead, Robinson contacted the police, who devised a strategy to capture Sunny in the act. She ended up providing an undercover cop posing as Robinson's acquaintance $15,000 and her wedding ring as a down payment for the murder.
She was immediately nabbed and charged. Sunny Gunn-Halley pleaded guilty to solicitation to commit a felony crime of violence at trial and was sentenced to three to 15 years.
More details about this case will be available on Love, Honor, Betray season 1, episode 5, on ID.
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