Why Did She Kill Heather?

Joanna Hayes Murder case involves the shooting and killing of Heather Strube, the 25-year-old daughter-in-law of Joanna.

Heather Strube, Joanna Hayes’ 25-year-old daughter-in-law, was shot and killed in the Joanna Hayes murder case.

Joanna Hayes was convicted of the felony in 2011 after the incident occurred on April 26, 2009, at a Target parking lot in Snellville, Georgia.

The heinous murder of Heather Strube by her mother-in-law Joanna Hayes is due to air on ID’s American Monster.

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The series, directed by Bill Thomas and scripted by Bruce Kennedy, centers on street murderers in America who hide behind an innocent grin.

It includes never-before-seen video footage and conversations with family members and eyewitnesses.

Joanna Hayes Murder Case Update: Why Did She Kill Heather Strube?

According to sources, Joanna Hayes disliked Heather and believed she was unqualified to raise her grandson, Carson. Yet, the exact reason for the murder is unknown.

Joanna Hayes, now 56, worked in construction and was Heather Strube’s mother-in-law. She supplemented her income by delivering flowers for her daughter-in-floral law’s business.

Joanna Hayes was accused in 2011 of shooting and murdering her daughter-in-law, Heather Strube, on April 26, 2009, at a Target parking lot in Snellville.

According to authorities, the Luthersville lady was dressed in a wig and mustache and approached Heather while strapping her 18-month-old kid into a car seat.

Joanna then proceeded to shoot Heather in the forehead, point blank. Heather and Steven gathered in the local Target parking lot to give over their Carson from Steven to Heather.

Nevertheless, Steven left the region before the murder, ruling him out as a suspect. According to the prosecution, Joanna detested her daughter-in-law and did not want Heather to get custody of her grandson during her son’s imminent divorce.

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 Where Is Joanna Strube Now? Arrest And Charges 

Joanna Hayes was sentenced to life in prison after being found guilty of malice murder, felony murder, aggravated assault, and possession of a handgun during the commission of a felony. 

But, as authorities probed more into Hayes’ background, they discovered that she was adamant about remaining a regular part of Carson’s life. The divorce of her son might threaten that agreement.

Police strategized and decided to “use pressure” to crack the case up at this time, according to producers. They showed Steven the video of the suspect spotted in the parking lot on May 5, 2009.

Steven was noticeably frightened when he recognized the woman in the video and recognized her as his mother.

Steven gladly agreed to aid detectives by phoning his mum to see if she would talk about the killing.

He may be heard stating, “That looks precisely like you…” in a tape of the call acquired by “Killer Motive.”

The murderer, on the other hand, has always maintained her innocence. She was held at the Pulaski State Prison in Hawkinsville, Georgia.

Save for her son and ex-husband; the judge forbade her from contacting Heather’s family or the witnesses called at the trial for five years if she ever gets out on parole. 

According to Georgia law, Joanna Hayes is eligible for release after 30 years of her sentence. She had filed an appeal, but the verdict was affirmed.

Steven Strube, Heather’s son, also served prison for a probation breach in 2009.

However, he got a Bachelor of Science in Accounting and Business/Management from Georgia State University, is married and works as the Vice President of Elite Awnings Inc.
