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Jefferson Hall Wikipedia & Biography
Jefferson Hall is a well-known English actor. Hugh of the Vale in Game of Thrones, Varg in Wizards vs Aliens on CBBC, Torstein in Vikings, and Aaron Korey in Halloween are all roles he has played.
In his earlier roles, he was known as Robert Hall. Jefferson studied at London’s Central School of Speech and Drama.
Age & birthday
The 44-year-old renowned celebrity was born on December 6, 1977,
Height & weight
He stands at 5 ft 10 inches tall and weighs 78kg.
Nationality, ethnicity & race
Jefferson is British
Education background
He has not made his educational background public.
Top movies & awards
He starred in the following movies Game of thrones, Vikings, and Wizards vs Aliens.
Parents & siblings
He was born to Charlotte Mitchell and Philip Guard. It is unknown if he has any siblings.
Wife & children
Jefferson Hall is currently engaged to his girlfriend Anita Maleek. They are yet to tie the knot. They do not have Kids at the moment.
Salary and net worth
Jefferson Hall’s net worth is estimated to be $2 million
Instagram & Twitter
Jefferson Hall is not active on Instagram.