Should I brake up with my boyfriend for lying to me about talking to his ex? (Snapchat)

About a year in to my relationship with my boyfriend, I finally asked my boyfriend about who he was snapchatting because I noticed he was always snapchatting girls. It bothered me for a long time. He just told me they were friends. Then I asked him if he snap chatted his ex. He said no and that she's a crazy b**ch. So I dropped the convo.

Then two weeks later I told him to post a snapchat about us on his story. The next morning he got a notification from snapchat. I asked him to show it to me. It was a girl. I asked him who it was. He said his ex gf. In summary, I got really upset and he got very defensive about it and called me crazy. He said they barely ever contact each other. So I told him that she probably snap chatted because she saw his story about us and wanted to get your attention. He said yea that's probably why. Which made me even more upset because she obviously wants his attention, hence still has feelings for him.

He apologized later and said he would delete his snapchat even though I never asked him to. I also have a snapchat, so I can see if he really deleted it or not. He did not. I never said anything about it.

About a month later, he tried to show me a YouTube video on his phone while a notification from snapchat popped up. He tried to hide his phone. I told him I knew he never deleted it and was upset that he lied to me about it. He then deleted it in front of me.

Then about another month later, he asked me if I was cool with him making a snapchat. I said yea. But in reality, I was not. Mainly because he said he would delete it, just to remake it. What's that going to prove haha. I was disappointed yet again.

I'm sitting here 6 months later still thinking about the situation. How should I have handled that? Should that have been a deal breaker?
