Seems like President Uhuru Kenyatta took his own ‘Security Starts With You’ message too seriously as he showed up in what is alleged to be a bullet proof vest at State house while Meeting students . The President was clad in what looks like corner-shaped outfit underneath his Jacket . Look at that Pic keenly
This has happened after Italian PM wore a Bullet Proof Vest to Kenyan statehouse Amid protests from Kenyans . Many Kenyans were outraged and asked why a whole PM would wear a Bullet Proof Vest to state house despite the security accorded to the house on the Hills .
Why President Uhuru wore the Bullet Proof Vest while meeting students has raised eyebrows . This happens after the Son of Jomo bought himself an armored car . How dangerous were these students ? How unsafe is the Kenyan state house ?
The photo has been doing the rounds on social media but there has been no official response from state house . Maybe spinners are working on a response to be issued . Many questions, no answers …