Did President Uhuru Wear A Bullet Proof Vest When meeting Students At State House?


Seems like President Uhuru Kenyatta  took his own  ‘Security Starts With You’ message too seriously as he showed up in what is alleged to be a bullet proof vest at State house while Meeting students . The President was clad in what looks like corner-shaped outfit underneath his Jacket . Look at that Pic keenly

This has happened after Italian PM wore a Bullet Proof Vest to Kenyan statehouse Amid protests from Kenyans . Many Kenyans were outraged and asked why a whole PM would wear a Bullet Proof Vest to state house despite the security accorded to the house on the Hills .

Why President Uhuru wore the Bullet Proof Vest while meeting students has raised eyebrows . This happens after the Son of Jomo bought himself an armored car . How dangerous were these students ? How unsafe is the Kenyan state house ?

The photo has been doing the rounds on social media  but there has been no official response from state house . Maybe spinners are working on a response to be issued . Many questions, no answers …
