If you remember Sharkeisha Thompson’s fight video then you must be aware of Shamichael Manuel. She was the victim of the brutal punch of a classmate clearly recorded in the video. The incident was reported in 2013. The video shortly got viral on different social media spaces. At that time on social media, users were outraged with Sharkeisha on her brutal act of punching her innocent classmate. Keep reading to know more about the whole matter.
Shamichael Manuel Wikipedia
Shamichael Manuel was a 16-year old student at that time. She was trending then because of being a victim of an attack by her classmate. The whole incident was recorded in the video and got viral when uploaded on the internet. The attack was so forceful that Shamichael’s body show symptoms of Parkinson’s disease. Her personal information is not available to us at the moment. You can find her on Instagram with 211 followers.
Sharkeisha Victim Speaks Out:
Who is Sharkeisha Thompson?
Sharkeisha’s full name is Sharkiesha Tyeshia Thompson. Her fight with a classmate became a hot topic on the internet after her punch video viral on different social media spaces. we did not have much information about the girl.
There are some rumors on the internet that reported her death in hit and run case in 2013. Some claim she died in a drive-by shooting. Reports also claim when Sharkiesha was admitted to the hospital, then she was pronounced dead. We do not have information on whether anyone was arrested in relation to the same or not. Our team is checking for further updates so stay tuned. We have found her Instagram account on which she is followed by 767 followers at the press time.
Sharkeisha Thompson’s fight video
The video of Sharkiesha fight was spread over the internet like a wildfire. Sharkeisha Thompson invited her friends to an apartment in which Shamichael Manuel was also present. She was completely unaware of the brutal attack going to happen to her. Manuel considered Sharkiesha as her friend and never expected something like this from her side. The reason behind her punch over the face Manuel is still not revealed by any source.
“Sharkeisha became the No. 1 trending topic on Twitter after the video of Sharkeisha sucker-punching her friend in the middle of an argument went viral on Instagram and other social media sites.”
@GGGBoxing vs #Sharkeisha the #SharkTank Thompson #GolovkinThompson pic.twitter.com/oYw9tWMEb7
— Willis for the Killis (@MonsteR_4Hire) April 23, 2016
RIP SHARKEISHA THOMPSON 😐 #RipSharkeisha pic.twitter.com/0VLyH3r99y
— Jonathon Ramirez (@JRamirez619) December 28, 2013
Is Sharkeisha Thompson Dead?
Some sources on the internet reported Sharkeisha Thompson dead in a hit and run case. the incident happened in 2013 but still not many details available about the matters so far. we will let you know if anything new came out.