Spirittea Fishing Guide: Everything You Need to Know

This Spirittea fishing guide will go through everything you need to know about how to catch fish and complete the tricky minigame.

To fish in Spirittea, cast your line, and once the bobber is pulled, press and spam Shift or B, while also holding your WASD or Joystick so that the hook is pointed at the fish. Fill the catch bar before the bobber turns red to catch the fish.

Let’s go through the process in more detail, since the minigame is fairly tricky.

How to Fish in Spirittea – Minigame Explained

To catch fish in Spirittea, follow these steps:

  • Purchase a fishing rod from Song’s store
  • Cast your line in any body of water
  • When the bobber sinks, press B/Shift
  • Hold Joystick/WASD to move the hook around. You want the end of the hook to point toward the fish.
  • While the hook is pointed at the fish, spam B/Shift and you’ll see the yellow bar at the bottom filling up
  • If you fill the bar before the bobber turns fully red, you will catch the fish
  • Overall, this is an extremely slow process, so take your time. If your hook gets stuck on Seaweed, keep spamming B until it gets freed.

    Additionally, you can fish with Villagers to increase your relationship. You can fish alongside the following NPCs:

    • Clarence
    • Julian
    • Quill
    • Song
    • Sujin
    • Tobi

    All Spirittea Seasonal Fish

    Of course, you can’t catch all fish at any point. Most fish are seasonal and you’ll need to keep an eye on that before trying to find a specific one. Based on that, here are all the seasonal fish in the game:

    • Spring: Octopus, Sardine, Starfish
    • Summer: Bluegill, Croaker, Salmon, Uncle Fish
    • Fall: Eel, Squid, Jellyfish, Goby, Marlin, Trout, Tuna, Carp
    • Winter: Monkfish, Bream, Seahorse, Wahoo, Sea Urchin, Sawfish

    Wrapping up

    To summarize this Spirittea fishing guide, you can catch fish by completing the minigame. While it can seem hard and complicated, with enough practice you’ll become a master fisherman quickly.

    Then, you’ll be able to catch all seasonal fish and even fish alongside NPCs to increase your relationship level with them fast.

    What do you think about the fishing minigame? Are you looking for a specific fish currently? Let us know in the comments below.

    If you’re looking to try a similar game, here’s our beginners’ guide in Below the Stone, a newly-released action roguelike exploration game that’s definitely worth trying if you’re a fan of the genre.

    Harry Harry has been a fan of video games from a very young age and writing allows him to share that passion with others. His favorite genres include MMORPGs, survival, and FPS.

    He has a Master’s Degree in Philosophy, which allows him to always come up with a fresh approach to solving in-game puzzles and challenges, but also to create content that’s to the point, clean and easy to follow.


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