Allen Collins Band | Lyrics, Song Meanings & Music Videos


on Chapter One


You have Jimmy Dougherty last name incorrect .
This is one of my favorite songs .

I know You Ain't the One, but I bet you are Double Trouble - you know when a black cat cuts your trail - LORD they come in pairs of two ...
Were you a Simple Man before Tuesday left ? You probably have a lot of Things Goin' On now that you are a Free Bird .
Take care of that Mississippi Kid and stay away from the Poison Whiskey .
If you can, please Gimme Three Steps for learning how to resist the temptations of going to the Jug and meeting up with Linda Lu .
The Little Brown Jug was a bar, not far from the high school .

Swamp Music - LYNYRD SKYNYRD .

Hey - it's a simple song as far as lyrics but the band churns out the rhythm, bass and side riffs so busy and non-stop that it is very hard to concentrate on any part because there is so much goodness going on from each member . I promise if you listen to this song on headphones you will want to play it over and over at least 100 times .
It is my favorite song of all time :

The reason why I like this song so much is that every member of the band is steadily slamming out the jam during the entire song . I can taste strawberry, peach, apple, raspberry, grape, cinnamon, cherry, banana, pecan, watermelon, avocado, persimmon, and fried bream . ( with salt and black pepper )
I would very much like a ' Second Helping ' ( Their Second Album 1974 )
I just listened to it 5 times after making this comment .
Make that 6 times .
I went to the same high school they went to - 10 years after them .
Robert E. Lee High School
They named the band after their gym teacher who kept bugging them about their hair . ( Leonard Skinner )
I have about 8 thousand mp3 files of about 40 rock groups from the 70 ' s .
That is the only song I play - over and over and over - sometimes more than 10 times in a row .

In 1975 when I was in 12th grade - we skipped school and stayed on the bus . The bus driver - an older black man, Mr. McKenzie ( we thought of him as similar to Curtis Loew ) took us to his house and we installed an old 8 track tape player and speakers on the bus . Of course the first tape to play was Pronounced . ( don't tell anyone - but - he gave us a beer )

Another of my favorites of theirs is ' Railroad Song ' and ' Made In The Shade ' .
I worked at the railroad in ' 78 and worked with an engineer named Randy Heron - he was friends will everyone in the band and their families . I got to meet Gene Odom ( Security and body guard for the band - survived the crash ) one evening at The Jug .

Gene Odom – on working with Lynyrd Skynyrd, The Rolling Stones and Plane Crash/ HOWGO

Another time, he introduced me to the singer of the Allen Collins band - ( Jimmy Dougherty )
Which reminds me of another of my favorites of his :

Chapter One
