Who Is DeAndre Richardson? Prince Manvendra Singh Gohil Has A Partner

Manvendra Singh Gohil is an Indian prince and the son of the Rajpipla honorary Maharaja in Gujarat. He recently married DeAndre Richardson and is the world’s first openly homosexual prince. Keep reading to learn more about the couple.

Manvendra Singh Gohil’s confession on The Oprah Winfrey Show in 2007 enraged not only his community but also his family, who abandoned him. Being a prince further contributed to his anguish, as he was obliged to marry despite his parents’ knowledge that he is gay. However, times have changed.

He’s now regarded as a global symbol of pride. His husband, DeAndre Richardson, deserves credit for helping him get through this ordeal. In July 2013, they married in the United States.

Manvendra Singh Gohil Partner: Who Is Duke DeAndre Richardson?

Prince Gohil’s husband is Duke DeAndre Richardson. On the internet, there isn’t much information about him. However, his social media profiles suggest otherwise. He is the Hanumanteshwar Duke.

Prince Manvendra Singh Gohil is an Indian prince who is the son and probable heir of the Maharaja of Rajpipla in Gujarat. He is the first openly gay prince in the world. He runs a charity, The Lakshya Trust, which works with the LGBT community. pic.twitter.com/69chhRCG2Z

— pocasians_ (@pocasians_) January 8, 2018

From 2015 until 2020, he served as the URGC Ambassador for the United States of India. C.D. at Hanumanteshwar1927tm. He holds a Ph.D. in Religious Science. He is also a Life Purpose Oracle Astrologer in the meantime. Richardson and Manvendra married in 2013 and are still together.

In addition, Manvendra was approached by Chirantana Bhatt, a young journalist from Vadodara, in 2005. He told the writer about his sexual orientation and the emotional anguish he was experiencing as a closeted gay guy. The story of his coming out made the news on March 14, 2006, as a “coming out” story.

How Did Manvendra Singh Gohil And Duke Richardson Get Married? 

Manvendra Singh Gohil, India’s first openly homosexual prince, met Duke DeAndre Richardson, a US citizen, online in 2009. Later in 2012, Duke proposed to the Prince, and they got married in 2013.

Prince Manvendra Singh Gohil & Duke DeAndre Richardson, A Happily Ever After Indeed via @idiva https://t.co/NLetBA7sIa

— LGBTQ India News (@LgbtqIndia) February 10, 2021

They had no idea that they would get married a few years later. Prior to meeting each other, they were both in a relationship. The prince was having difficulties with his marriage to his wife, and Duke was having difficulties with his boyfriend.

They met on an internet dating site and instantly fell in love. DeAndre, who is 13 years Manvendra’s junior, could not meet the prince for a long time. Because of the covid epidemic, their visas and planes are unavailable, preventing him from meeting the prince for an extended period of time.

Prince Gohil And DeAndre Richardson Relationship Timeline

At the time, Andre was married to an American, and Manvendra was also involved in a relationship. Duke, on the other hand, divorced his husband in 2012, while Manvendra divorced his wife the year before. They were both destined to be together, as none of their previous relationships had worked out.

#ManvendraSinghGohil and #DukeDeAndreRichardson talk about their relationship and more. @PrinceRajpipla @DukeDeAndre https://t.co/Nb3GeC3vRj

— Ahmedabad Times (@AhmedabadTimes) February 28, 2021

On the last day of his vacation, Andre expressed his feelings for the Prince, saying that he does not like him anymore but is in love with him, and he is completely fine if he does not feel the same way. He made a very nice confession, and the couple married as a result of it.

The prince was a little nervous at the time, but he felt more confident on his second visit to Duke. He then fought with everyone for his love. 
