How much money did Tim Allen make for Toy Story?

How much has Tim Allen made from the ‘Toy Story’ movies? Allen only earned $50,000 for Toy Story. However, the movie’s massive success meant a generous raise for the voice of Buzz Lightyear. When Allen returned for Toy Story 2, he received a $5 million paycheck.Click to see full answer. Similarly, it is asked, how much does Tim Allen make per episode?According to Celebrity Net Worth, Allen’s current net worth is $80 million, and he pulls in a none-too-shabby salary of $235,000 per episode for Last Man Standing.Additionally, does Tim Allen have children? Elizabeth Allen Dick Katherine Allen Daughter Subsequently, one may also ask, what is Tim Allen worth? As of 2020, Tim Allen net worth is at $90 million. The source of Tim Allen net worth fortune is the income generated from his acting career and comedy career.How much do Toy Story actors make?Tom Hanks: Toy Story series – Est. $15 million: Toy Story 3. Adam Sandler: 8 Crazy Nights and upcoming Zookeeper -– Est. $2 million: Zookeeper.
