The Meaning Behind The Song: Out of the Black by Royal Blood


Out of the Black by Royal Blood is a powerful and intense piece that captivates listeners with its raw energy and emotional lyrics. The song, released in 2013, marked the band’s debut single and quickly gained recognition, leading them to become one of BBC’s ‘Sound of 2014’ artists. In this article, we will explore the meaning behind the song and its impact on both the band and its listeners.

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The lyrics of Out of the Black delve into themes of betrayal, self-destruction, and the aftermath of a broken relationship. The opening verse sets the tone for the song, asking the listener how it felt when something or someone emerged from darkness and shook their very being. It speaks to the shock and pain that comes with being betrayed or hurt by someone close.

The chorus amplifies the emotional intensity, portraying the narrator as a victim who has been made a fool and had their metaphorical skin ripped off. The aggressiveness in the lyrics is depicted with references to guns and bullets, symbolizing the desire for revenge or justice. However, the line “but a trigger for a heart bleeding blood from an empty pocket” hints at the emptiness and futility of seeking vengeance.

The second verse suggests the existence of a mutual promise between the narrator and the subject of the song. However, it highlights how both parties failed to uphold their commitments, ultimately leading to their own downfall. It conveys feelings of disappointment, regret, and the recognition that their actions caused irreparable damage.

The outro of the song portrays a sense of torment and the inability to let go of the pain caused. It emphasizes the lasting impact of the emotional turmoil that the narrator has endured.

Personal Connection

Out of the Black holds a special place in the hearts of many listeners, including myself. The song’s powerful music and emotionally charged lyrics have resonated with those who have experienced heartbreak, betrayal, or the complexities of relationships.

Personally, I remember listening to this song during a time of personal turmoil. It provided a cathartic release for my emotions and allowed me to connect with the rawness of the music. The intensity and passion of the vocals and instrumentals echoed the turmoil I was feeling at the time, making me feel understood and less alone.

Impact and Success

Out of the Black’s success in the music industry cannot be understated. It reached the top of the UK Rock Chart and climbed to number 78 on the UK Pop Chart in 2014. In the United States, the song peaked at number 2 on the Rock Chart, solidifying Royal Blood’s presence in the international music scene.

The song’s popularity led to numerous placements in various forms of media, such as soundtracks, TV shows, and video games. Its inclusion in the soundtrack of the movie “Who Am I – No System Is Safe” and appearances in popular TV shows like “Vampire Diaries” and WWE’s “Roadblock” helped to further expose Royal Blood’s unique sound to a wider audience.


Out of the Black is a compelling and emotionally charged song that resonates with listeners on a deep level. Its exploration of themes like betrayal and self-destruction strikes a chord with those who have experienced similar pain in their lives. The song’s success and placements in various forms of media stand as a testament to the impact it has had on the music industry. Whether it’s through its powerful music or its thought-provoking lyrics, Out of the Black continues to captivate and move audiences worldwide.
