What is the moral of the highwayman poem?

Major Themes in “The Highwayman”: Love, courage, and sacrifice are the major themes of this poem. The poem celebrates the true love of its central characters; Bess and the highwayman. Both try to keep their promise, but cruel fate separates them, and they are killed. However, their souls reunite after death.Click to see full answer. Besides, what is the message of the highwayman?The theme of the story is that love is a sacrifice. The plot of the story is a man named Tim the stableman betrays Bess because she is in love with the highwayman. The highwayman is wanted by the Red Coats and Tim tells some Red Coats that the highwayman is coming.Similarly, who is the highwayman poem based on? The poem, set in 18th-century rural England, tells the story of an unnamed highwayman who is in love with Bess, a landlord’s daughter. Betrayed to the authorities by Tim, a jealous ostler, the highwayman escapes ambush when Bess sacrifices her life by shooting her chest to warn him. Then, what does the highwayman poem mean? “The Highwayman,” a poem by Alfred Noyes published in 1906, tells the story of a highwayman who falls in love with Bess, a landlord’s daughter. He and Bess are love, and he asks her to wait for him to return. He is after a prize, but he will come back. She agrees and lets down her hair for him to kiss.What type of poem is the highwayman?The Highwayman is a ballad that is written by the famous poet Alfred Noyes. This poem is divided into two parts. It revolves around the story that contains both love and suffering. For poetry fans, this poem is indeed a masterpiece and a great treat.
