Kevin Costner ear cancer surgery

During his final year of college, Costner developed a passion in dance and performance, and after he graduated, he married Cindy Silva, who portrayed Cinderella at Disneyland.

On their way home from their honeymoon in Puerto Vallarta, the couple met actor Richard Burton, who had reserved all the seats around him for solitude.

After he finished writing his book, Burton consented to talk with Costner. Burton was being watched by Costner, who kept his wife in the dark about his desire to pursue acting classes. Costner would move closer when Burton pointed.

When asked if he would have to deal with it if he become an actor, Costner replied to Burton that he would want to stay away from the controversy that surrounded Burton.

Kevin Costner ear cancer: What happened to Kevin Costner’s left ear and why is there a chunk out of it?

He had a peculiar feature that people noticed: a part of his left ear was missing.

Many of Kevin’s admirers started to wonder if he had the potentially fatal disease after claims that he had ear cancer prompted his operation.

However, as far as we are aware, there is no evidence that he also has cancer. We do anticipate that the actor will address it in the media at some point, though.

After that, speculations that Kevin had ear cancer spread throughout the world. The rumors quickly spread, upsetting both his supporters and well-wishers.

However, rumors can disregard any of these claims because Kevin has not publicly acknowledged whether or not he has auditory cancer.
