After Kent State: 1970s anti-war student art – in pictures
150 surviving prints of the anti-Vietnam war artworks made at University of California, Berkeley, are to be shown in a new exhibition at Shapero Modern, London. Here we show some highlights
• Poster power: 1970s anti-Vietnam war art by California students
Sat 30 Jan 2016 23.00 GMT Last modified on Wed 19 Oct 2022 16.04 BST
Amerika Is Devouring Its Children, 1970
Designed by Jay Belloli and paying homage to Goya, this is silkscreened in red across a strip of two sheets of early conjoined, computer paper, complete with tractor strips. Share on Facebook Share on TwitterIf This Mother and Child Were Not American Would You Care?, 1970
A silkscreen in purple. Share on Facebook Share on TwitterYour Son Next?, 1970
Silkcreened in black on cardboard. Share on Facebook Share on TwitterStop The War, 1970
Silkscreened in black on thick white paper, this resides in the poster collection at the University of British Columbia. Share on Facebook Share on TwitterAmerican Flag [Untitled], 1970
Silkscreen in blue and red on the blank side of a Carson-Morris calendar. Share on Facebook Share on TwitterWrite For Peace, 1970
Silkscreened in yellow and dark blue across a strip of two sheets of computer paper. Note the word ‘RAPE’ stamped in the lower right-hand corner. Share on Facebook Share on TwitterMoney Talks; Boycott War Profiteers, 1970
Silkscreened in bright green on white stock on the back of a Carson-Morris calendar. Share on Facebook Share on TwitterThe Cruel War Is Raging, 1970
By Robin Repp. Printed on the reverse of a Carson-Morris calendar. Share on Facebook Share on TwitterHunger Is Violence, 1970
A very fragile example from the collection. Share on Facebook Share on TwitterPeace Now, 1970
Share on Facebook Share on TwitterBring Us Together, 1970
Share on Facebook Share on TwitterLet There Be Peace ( And Let It Begin With Me), 1970
By Robin Repp. Share on Facebook Share on TwitterPeace Is Patriotic, 1970
Share on Facebook Share on TwitterSecurity Is a Silent Majority, 1970
Silkscreened in orange across a single sheet of computer paper it depicts a caricature of President Nixon as Linus from Peanuts, sucking his thumb. Share on Facebook Share on TwitterImagi-Nation, 1970
Share on Facebook Share on TwitterFascist Infested!, 1970 
Share on Facebook Share on TwitterAmerika, 1970
Photograph: All images are Courtesy Shapero Modern
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