Joe Rogan responds to the Liver King trying to get on his podcast after recent steroid debacle

Joe Rogan has asserted that the Liver King (real name: Brian Johnson) has been trying to appear on The Joe Rogan Experience (JRE) podcast. Since his rise to social media superstardom in 2021, Johnson has claimed to be a natural bodybuilder, refuted steroid use allegations, and credited his success to a primal meat-based diet.

A few days back, bodybuilder/YouTuber Derek posted a video to his More Plates More Dates YouTube channel. The video featured emails allegedly sent by Johnson in 2021 to an unnamed bodybuilding coach – as well as an email to Derek – seeking advice regarding steroids. Derek's video went viral and shook up the fitness community.

Watch Derek's video below:

Brian Johnson subsequently posted an apology video to his Liver King YouTube channel, confessing his past and present steroid use. Nevertheless, Johnson insinuated that he did so to encourage suicidal people to exercise and fight against depression and other mental health issues.

Watch Johnson's apology below:

In the latest edition of the JRE podcast, Rogan spoke to Derek regarding Johnson. The UFC commentator recalled that one of Johnson's producers previously met him in Las Vegas and tried to set up a JRE podcast appearance.

Furthermore, Rogan suggested that Johnson was at one of his stand-up comedy shows at MGM and also tried to meet him at the 'Canelo' Alvarez–Gennady Golovkin boxing event.

Watch the JRE episode featuring Derek below:

Amid the ongoing steroid scandal, Johnson has purportedly contacted Rogan's friends – including popular comedian Bert Kreischer – to help him secure a JRE podcast appearance. Rogan stated:

"For what? To say that more? Come on. This is dumb, man. You ran a con game, and you got busted. And it's unfortunate that you feel terrible. I'm sorry you feel bad. 'Cause, that's just what happens when you get caught lying, but you didn't have to lie."

Watch Rogan discuss the topic at 13:27 in the video below:

When Joe Rogan accused the Liver King aka Brian Johnson of steroid use

Brian Johnson is well known for his otherworldly physique and for relentlessly promoting his 'Nine Ancestral Tenets': Sleep, Eat, Move, Shield, Connect, Cold, Sun, Fight, and Bond. On episode #1842 of the JRE podcast in July 2022, Joe Rogan and neuroscientist Andrew Huberman discussed the Liver King.

Joe Rogan opined that the 45-year-old Johnson was surely using steroids. Rogan acknowledged that Johnson eats nutrient-rich animal meat. However, the MMA personality added that it isn't enough to attain such a freakish physique. Rogan said:

"Do you know how rare it is to have a physique like that and not be on steroids?... I don't care how much you lift weights, that is a freak physique."

Watch Rogan's assessment below:

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