Jaclyn Smith's House: Photos of the Actress' Home

In 1976, actress Jaclyn Smith landed the breakout role that changed her life, playing Kelly Garrett in ABC’s drama series Charlie’s Angels.  After staring in all five seasons of the show, the star ventured into the home decor circuit. Using her impeccable taste, she perfectly decorated her own Georgian colonial home that she absolutely loves.

Jaclyn purchased the stunning home in the ‘90s when her son, Gaston, and daughter Spencer Margaret, with Tony Richmond, were young. She decided to make the house a home by renovating several rooms and finding vintage furniture for the space. 

“With the success of Charlie’s Angels, I was finally able to buy my own home, but only what I could afford, a place that needed some fixing up,” the design expert said in a March 2009 blog with Guideposts. “That turned out to be half the fun. And I’ve continued that practice as our family has grown from the birth of our son, Gaston, named for my minister grandfather, and then our daughter, Spencer Margaret, Margaret, for my mother. I let the children have rooms that reflected their tastes, even when it didn’t fit with mine.”

The Free Fall actress went on to marry her fourth husband, surgeon Brad Allen, in 1997. Though her children have moved away and started families of their own, she can’t help but feel grateful about all of the memories they have shared in the house.

“Even when it’s just me, my husband, Brad, and the dogs, my house feels full. I’m surrounded by things that have meaning for me,” she said. “The books remind me of the people who gave them to me, the antiques recall trips to flea markets I’ve taken with friends, counters and tabletops are filled with photos of our family over the years: my wedding to Brad, the children’s baptisms, their graduations, their birthdays, Christmases.”

Everything in the Nightkill star’s house has a special purpose. The floral accents, reupholstered chairs, patterned floor tiles and overall elegant ambiance of the home perfectly fits Jaclyn’s personality. She has shown off her gorgeous home on social media many times for all of her fans to see.

Keep scrolling to take a tour of Jaclyn’s home. 
