Welcome to the family of Hugh Laurie, Dr House from the Hit TV Series

Family of Hugh Laurie, Dr House from the Hit TV Series

In 2004, a medical show hit the screen and it soon became a phenomenon among medically inclined viewers and the general public alike. Laurie played the titular Dr Gregory House in the Fox TV Series House (2004 – 2012) and was the hero in the movie. He arrived at an unexpectedly huge success for his role as the rude but genius specialist in the renowned series and after the show ended, he had amassed more than he’s ever made from any movie. He was even listed as being the highest-paid actor in TV series and the leading most watched man in 2011.

Date of Birth: June 11, 1959

Zodiac Sign: Gemini

He wanted to be a sportsman like his father and excelled as an amateur rower even though his school grades were well below average. The young Hugh was described as a particularly lazy student with no inclination to study and he went on to admit that his younger self was miserable and self-absorbing. After a while the actor and musician wanted to be a medical doctor like his father but his lack of enthusiasm towards school made him change his mind. Eventually, he found himself auditioning for a role in his University’s drama society and that was how he caught the acting bug.

This article would be focusing more into the private life of the actor as we are really glad to bring you details about every member of his family and the roles that have and are still playing in his life. If you wonder who his parents were, does he have a wife or how many kids does he have; this read is just for you as we would be answering all your questions about the interesting actor. Have a good read.

Patricia Laurie (mother)

Year of Birth: 1916

Year of Death: 1989 (aged 73)

Patricia was a writer whose occasional essays were published by the London Times. Laurie described his mother as impossible to please as she was a woman with extremely high expectations. He was a frustration to her and he says there were big chunks of time that she did not like him. All of these negative feelings put a strain on their relationship so Patricia was never really close to her last born.  She died sadly from a motor neurone disease when he son was 73 and it was later suspected that her mood swings might have been clinical.

William “Ran” Laurie (father)

Hugh Laurie's family - father William “Ran” Laurie

Date of Birth: May 4, 1915

Date of Death: September 19, 1998 (aged 83)

Zodiac Sign: Taurus

He is the late physician father to the dashing actor. He had been a champion rower and member of the 1948 British team that won gold at that year’s Olympic Games. Laurie inherited his father’s passion for sports and was a member of the national youth team but a bout of mononucleosis forced him to give up his love for the strenuous boat race.

The multiple-award winning actor describes his late father as the sweetest man in the world who was overflowing with good sense and kindness. Of his two parents, Laurie was unsurprisingly closer to his dad since his childhood days. He was married to Patricia Laidlaw from 1944 till her death in 1989. After her, he remarried and was with his second wife Mary Arbuthnot  until his death at 83 from Parkinson’s disease.

Charles Alexander Lyon Mundell Laurie (brother from same parents)

Hugh Laurie's siblings - brother Charles Alexander Lyon Mundell Laurie

Year of Birth: 1953

He is a Shepherd/Lawyer.

Susan Lassen (nee Laurie) (older sister from same parents)

Hugh Laurie's siblings - sister Susan Lassen (nee Laurie)

She is one of the sisters to the famous British actor.

Janet Laurie (older sister from same parents)

Janet is the second daughter in the Grant family and lives a low-key life.

Jo Green (spouse)

Hugh Laurie's family - wife Jo Green

Duration of Marriage: June 16, 1989 till present

Year of Birth: 1956

Laurie has only been in one known relationship since he came on the scene and it has always been to Joanne Green. He admitted once that he had a brief extramarital affair in 2001 when he was dealing with depression but and his wife were able to get past that quickly. Both lovers were obviously intimate before their wedding as they became parents to first son Charles a year before they tied the knot. All that is known about Jo is that she is a theatre administrator.

Many people love Dr House but have no idea that his role in the hit series almost cost him his real life marriage. For the production of the series, he had to be away from his family for eight years. He moved to Los Angeles for professional reasons while his wife and kids remained in North London. The skilled actor never got to see his family for almost nine months of each year and this separation was causing a lot of problem for the Laurie home. He tried once to move his family to be with him in Los Angeles but it was never successful and they had to make do with what was on ground.

Hugh Laurie's family - wife Jo Green

During the eight years he was away, Hugh was fully loyal to his wife and was never rumored to have had an affair. This makes him one of the rare celebrities in town but the only reason for this is that he loves his wife unconditionally. Their marriage of almost three decades is enough proof that both lovers have no interest in anything shallow. We seriously believe that only death can part these two as they are the real definition of the word power-couple.

Charles “Charlie” Archibald Laurie (son with Jo Green)

Hugh Laurie's children - son Charles "Charlie" Archibald Laurie

Month of Birth: November 1988

Laurie is known to be notoriously prickly when it comes to the press but admitted that his children are his one ‘extreme pleasure’. He says he is to them a cautionary tale and they learn greatly from their father’s live. Charles like his father is also an actor and worked alongside his dad in A Bit of Fry and Laurie (1987).

William “Bill” Albert Laurie (son with Jo Green)

Month of Birth: January 1991

William is an actor too and is the second son to the former comedy partner of Stephen Fry. He is also the godchild to his father’s friend Stephen Fry.

Rebecca Augusta Laurie (daughter with Jo Green)

Date of Birth: September 10, 1993

Zodiac Sign: Virgo

Rebecca is the only female child born to the veteran British actor and she has taken after her father in the acting line. She is known for her role in the movie Wit (2001).
