He says she is a neurotic mother who suffers from violent mood swings and is secretly planning to leave America with their infant son and turn the little boy against him.
She says he is a drunk who cannot be trusted with a young child and threatened her so badly that she had to hire a security detail.
Welcome inside the most bitter custody fight in years as the heir to the Paul Mitchell hair care fortune and the beautiful blonde model he was married to for just nine months turn on each other.
Multi-millionaire Angus Mitchell and his 21-years-younger British ex-wife Sian are locked in battle over their six-month-old son, Dylan.

Sian Mitchell (pictured walking around Santa Monica on Thursday) is stuck in the United States and immersed in a bitter court battle with her ex-husband, multi-millionaire and heir to a hair fortune Angus Mitchell

British model Sian (pictured walking with her mother Debra Harding) is fighting over the custody of her six-month-old son Dylan
The marriage was doomed from the start, court filings obtained exclusively by Daily Mail Online show. And it ended with Mitchell having his personal chef serve his wife with divorce papers, a full six weeks after he had secretly filed them in court.
'I asked if therapy could be an option and he told me that he never loved me and "this is how things are handled in the big grown-up, world," ' Sian claimed.
Now even a member of the British parliament has intervened, asking that country's diplomats get involved in the case, to allow Sian to take Dylan to see his great grandparents who she claims are too frail to make the trip to California. Mitchell said she would never return and her request to go for two months ‘was evidence of her skewed sense of entitlement.'
More than 550 pages of court documents show how Mitchell, 45, married two-months-pregnant Sian Morgan in October last year. She had moved into his five-bedroom, seven-bath $9 million home in Pacific Palisades eight months earlier.

Row: Angus Mitchell with his son Dylan - whose mother wants to take him back to the UK but has been stopped by a court order. In divorce papers, Sian claims he is a drunk who cannot be trusted with children
'She is trying to alienate me and my whole family and friends from Dylan,' Mitchell said in the court papers viewed by Daily Mail Online.
But Sian, 24, hit back, claiming Mitchell won't stop drinking despite two trips to rehab. She said he even smuggled vodka and red wine into her hospital room within hours of the birth, and drunkenly pulled a chair out from under her while she was pregnant.
According to San Diego court documents Mitchell's first trip to rehab came in 2004 when he was ordered to attend a threemonth course by a San Diego court.
The criminal file, seen exclusively by Daily Mail Online, shows that the hair-care tycoon was arrested in October 2003 and charged with reckless driving, DUI and one count of cocaine possession.
After pleading no contest to the charges, Mitchell, who admits in the documents that he 'possessed cocaine in a usable quantity' and 'drove in a reckless manner having consumed alcohol', was fined $1,814 and placed on probation.
He was also ordered to complete a three-month First Offender program aimed at tackling alcohol abuse and present a certificate of completion to the court.
The program, which he completed at a facility in Santa Monica close to his Pacific Palisades home, included 12.5 hours of alcohol drug education and required him to attend six meetings at Alcoholics Anonymous.
Mitchell responded: 'Nothing in my past interferes with my ability to take care of Dylan. I have not been excessively drinking alcohol for the past year. I do not drink when I am with Dylan, and I do not become intoxicated.
'At the hospital I had my assistant bring wine to celebrate with people visiting.'
The dream of a long, happy marriage shattered as soon as Dylan was born on May 22. Just 19 days later Mitchell filed for divorce and the pair have been involved in an increasingly bitter child custody fight ever since.
A close friend of Sian's family in Britain told Daily Mail Online: 'He chased her, got her over there, and as soon as he got his baby he wants rid of her. It looks like he just wanted an heir to his business.’

Dylan played with the toys attached to his pram as he was pushed around Santa Monica with his mom

Mitchell, who earned more than $26 million in 2013 and is worth an estimated $300 million, has already been ordered to pay $17,000 a month in rent

She is currently living in this three-bedroom house while the pair sort out their legal battle. She had demanded $30,000 a month for her housing
But Mitchell stressed how he enjoys his time with his baby boy and has spent thousands of dollars trying to persuade a judge to allow him to have his son overnight. 'I hold Dylan, sing to him, change his diaper and spend as much meaningful bonding time as I can with him in the extremely limited timeframe,’ he said.
Mitchell, who earned more than $26 million in 2013 and is worth an estimated $300 million, has already been ordered to pay $17,000 a month in rent for Sian to live in a three-bedroom house two miles from his home while they sort out their battle. She had originally demanded a $30,000-a-month home.
'It is beyond ridiculous for Sian to expect after a 9-month marriage that she is entitled to stay in a $30,000 per month rental residence,' said Mitchell.
When approached by Daily Mail Online, Sian said she wasn't allowed to discuss the case. 'I'm sorry I just can't speak to you,' she said through the intercom at her rented home. Her lawyer Christopher Melcher, said: 'Sian wants to keep this matter private.'
Mitchell's lawyers did not return Daily Mail Online's calls.
Angus Mitchell met Sian Morgan met at a hair convention in London and soon afterwards Sian made the move to California, where Mitchell and partner Jean Paul DeJoria run John Paul Mitchell Systems.
DeJoria founded the company in 1980 with Angus's father Paul, who died of pancreatic cancer in 1989. They started out with a $750 loan and the company now takes in an estimated $1 billion a year in revenue.
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Couple: Sian's local MP says she is now stuck in California after her marriage to Angus disintegrated into a bitter battle over their child
But all his money cannot help Mitchell find love. His first marriage to Trinidadian Michelle Raab ended after three years.
In the papers filed in court in Los Angeles, Mitchell paints Sian as a woman who is so controlling she wouldn't even allow his mother, Jolina, to hold Dylan. 'Sian is extremely inflexible and rigid when it comes to allowing others to share the joy that is our son,' he said.
Chef Kevin Coye said Sian broke down in tears one day when an elderly neighbor tickled Dylan's feet while he was in his stroller. 'Sian was screaming "How could she touch Dylan?" and "Who does she think she is?" said Coye in a declaration to the court.
The chef said he felt she always looked down on him. 'By nature of my profession, I have had to endure working with some hellacious individuals,' said Coye, who said his four years with Mitchell were the most positive he had experienced.
'However in the very short time that Sian has been in the home, that positive work environment became the single worst job environment that I have had to endure.
'Her behavior to household staff was nothing short of appalling,' added Coye. 'I would communicate with housekeepers in Spanish and Sian demanded that no one speak Spanish because she thought they were talking about her.
'I would see housekeepers cry on an almost daily basis for such reasons as Sian believing her clothes were washed improperly. I was unable to have a simple conversation with Sian without her turning it into a confrontation.'

Businessman: Angus Mitchell inherited his father Paul Mitchell's worldwide business and is a celebrated hairdresser himself
And Mitchell's executive assistant Kali McCabe said the entire staff lived in fear of being fired by Sian.
Mitchell accused Sian of 'absconding' to the five-star Peninsula Hotel in Beverly Hills after the divorce papers were served. He claims he had no idea where his son was for three days.
Calling her a 'flight risk,' he has successfully persuaded a judge to refuse to allow Sian to take Dylan to see her relatives in England.
Sian said she went to the hotel because it was the only place she knew. She later left it claiming it suffered from 'air pollution' and moved into the celeb-friendly Bel Air Hotel before moving yet again to the Beverly Hills Hotel.Mitchell accused her of living — at his expense — in 'some of the most luxurious and expensive hotels Los Angeles has to offer.'
'In terms of housing and expenses, she has made incredibly irresponsible decisions that are neither financially responsible nor based upon Dylan's best interests,' added Mitchell, who said he gave her $50,000 for relocation and has twice had to bail her out when she maxed out her $50,000 American Express card.
It is not only money that the couple argues about. One of Mitchell's biggest complaints is that Sian doesn't want him posting pictures of their son on his Facebook account for fear someone might try to kidnap him.
'It is 2015 and sharing moments with children on social media is customary in our culture, a way to share our happiness with relatives and friends,' he said, claiming that Sian posted her own pictures.

The gates to Angus' mansion in Santa Monica are closed in the midst of the bitter court proceedings

Jean Paul DeJoria (pictured in April) and partner Angus Mitchell run their company from California
'My family and I should have freedom to share special moments with Dylan online as we see fit.'
But Sian responded: ' He doesn't even consider the danger in which he may be placing our son when using him to promote his image through publicized photographs of Dylan.'
They argued about Mitchell's visitation rights, with Sian saying he couldn't have more than an hour at a time because she needed to breast feed the little boy whenever he got hungry. But he said she refused to freeze her milk and send it with the boy.
They couldn't agree on healthcare either. When Dylan developed an eye infection, Mitchell wanted a second opinion because, he said, 'Sian wants holistic medicine for Dylan not antibiotics.'
Even the couples' mothers get attacked in the papers. Housekeeper Rosa Nieto, making a declaration for Mitchell, said: 'Sian asked me to bring candles out when Angus's mother was coming over because she brings in "bad energy." '
And Mitchell's parenting coach Ellen Greek said Sian's mother Debra Harding, who has been in California for months with her daughter 'spends her time during visitation hostilely staring at Angus.'
But Sian claims it is her ex who is threatening and she had to hire a two-car security detail to protect her whenever she took the little boy to see his father. 'I became fearful for my safety,' she said.
Now the case threatens to become an international cause with British MP Gavin Williamson presenting a petition to Parliament calling on the UK Government to press their US counterparts and the State of California to allow Sian to travel to Britain with Dylan.
Melcher, Sian's lawyer, said she knew nothing about the petition. 'I'm not quite sure how discussions between the US and UK governments would change things.'